1.0 Purpose

We at Aztec Electrical and all affiliates are committed to providing a barrier-free environment for our customers (members of the public or other third parties including agents and contractors).

The objective of this policy is to ensure we meet the requirements of the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act), and promote its underlying core principles, described below.

2.0 Responsibilities

All employees, agents, and contractors that deal with members of the public and third parties are responsible for complying with this policy and its application.

3.0 Policy & Procedure

Our goal is to ensure that the Policy and related practices and procedures are consistent with the following four (4) core principles:

i. Dignity - Persons with a disability must be treated as valued customers who are as deserving of service as any other customer.
ii. Equality of Opportunity - Persons with a disability should be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use, and benefit from our goods and services.
iii. Integration - Where possible, persons with a disability should benefit from our goods and services in the same place and in the same or similar manner as any other customer. Where integration does not serve the needs of the person with a disability, goods and services will, to the extent possible, be provided in another way that takes into account the person’s individual needs.
iv. Independence - Goods and services must be provided in a way that respects the independence of persons with a disability. To this end, we will always be willing to assist a person with a disability but will not do so without the express permission of the person.

4.0 Implementation

Aztec Electrical has/is:

i. Developed and implemented policies, practices and procedures to ensure the accessible provision of goods and services to persons with a disability.
ii. Developed and implemented an accessibility training program as required under the Act.
iii. Developed a feedback procedure as required under the Act.
iv. Filing Accessibility Reports as required under section 14 of the Act.

5.0 Providing Goods and Services To People With Disabilities

i. Communication - Aztec Electrical strives to communicate with persons with a disability in a manner that takes into account the disability. Approaches for communication are set out in our accessibility training program.
ii. Assistive Devices - Persons with a disability are permitted, where possible, to use their own Assistive Device when on our premises for the purposes of obtaining, using or benefiting from our good or services. If there is a physical, technological or other type of barrier that prevents the use of an Assistive Device on our premises, we will first try to remove that barrier. If we are unable to remove the barrier we will make best efforts to provide an alternative means of assistance to the person with a disability.

6.0 Training and Records

Aztec Electrical will provide initial training and ongoing training as required under the Act.

i. Training will be provided to all persons to whom this Policy applies as soon as practicable after he or she is assigned the applicable duties. Thereafter they will be retrained if there are changes to the policies or procedures
ii. Records of the training provided shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

7.0 Feedback Procedure

Aztec Electrical welcomes and appreciates feedback regarding this Policy and its implementation. It will be forwarded to the Health and Safety Committee for easy reference.

Feedback can be provided in the following ways:

i. In person to the Branch Manager of the local facility.
ii. By Telephone to our Head Office at (905-595-1271)
iii. In Writing to: Sonepar Ontario, Attn: AODA 250 Chrysler Drive, Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario, L6S 6B6

8.0 Documentation To Be Made Available

This policy is located on our company websites (as well as on the intranet under Ontario – H&S) and will be made available to any member of the public upon request.